The Process

This workshop will restore our sense of meaning and direction from within by creating a truly democratic space to listen deeply to ourselves and one another. When we are given space to listen, we reset the habitual thinking that no longer serves us and locate the narratives that will reconnect us to our purpose. It is through this process that we take hold of our agency and our full creative potential.

Over the five days we’re fast tracked into the creative body through a collective experience. We will not be looking at past work or teaching you techniques of any kind (that’s the easy stuff). We will uplift your creative selves and lead them to a better place, so they can be known more fully and thrive. 

The course begins with a two day process led by Siân and assisted by Abbie which will facilitate you to come home to your intuitive selves, where everything you need to know is already there. This process has been designed so that you can move past limiting beliefs about who you are and connect with narratives that serve you better. You will leave with a renewed perspective of yourself, your purpose, and a connection to a community. 
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